Presentation Secondary School Thurles Day School. Boarding facilities provided in association with the Presentation Sisters

Green Schools

Green Schools 2019-2020

Green Schools committee members have been active around the school throughout the year, focusing on maintaining our green flags while aiming to achieve a biodiversity flag.


Students were encouraged to use the correct bins along with reintroduction of compost bins throughout the school. National Spring Clean Day was scheduled for April 19th. Teachers had a photocopying allowance for the year to reduce paper wastage. Staff were encouraged to use the correct bins. 6th Year committee members spoke to all year groups on a number of occasions re. the correct use of bins. 6th Year committee members arranged to meet management re. making the school plastic free in 2020-2021. TY mini company produced and sold school reusable water bottles.


A water fountain was installed in the school hall. Signs were placed in all bathrooms and kitchens to remember to turn off taps and reduce water usage.


Students and teachers were encouraged to turn off lights after use and shut down IT equipment at the end of the day, notices were placed in all classrooms and the staffroom.


To improve biodiversity on site, we conducted a year 2 habitat study of our school grounds, we have encouraged pollinators by delaying grass cutting “Don’t mow, let it grow”. We have introduced bird houses and insect hotels around the school to encourage birds and insects to populate the school habitat. Trees (donated by Coillte) will be planted on site. An application was submitted for community environment action fund (Local Agenda 21). A perennial bed to attract pollinators was sown this February (2020). Climate Action week occurred in October 2019. Science Week 2019 – Climate Action theme occurred in November 2019.


A number of initiatives were carried out including: a code competition; a meme competition; a TikTok competition; a meat-free Monday option; a Walk on Wednesday; a Pledge tree (every student made a pledge); daily intercom announcements; daily Instagram posts; three students successfully applied to the Climate Ambassador Programme (Aisling Maloney, Laura Horan and Caoimhe Treacy); our cafeteria is now using compostable plates instead of brown paper chip bags; Bird Houses and Insect Hotels were constructed with 1st and 2nd Years; and a school ground’s Habitat Study was conducted with 2nd Years.


MIC Tipperary Festival of Science Tree Sapling ceremony was attended by members. The Youth Assembly Climate Debate was live streamed to 5th Years from Dáil Éireann. TYs had an Autumn Clean Day and a TY Nature walk. 5th Years watched "Will Ireland survive 2050" - Documentary on Ireland’s climate today and what Ireland’s climate will be like by 2050. A SOPHia Physics Project on wind turbines was completed by Maeve O’Donnell and was awarded a prize by the University of Limerick.

Well done to the Green Schools Committee for their commitment to improving the environment of our school. And many thanks to their hard-working mentors: Ms. C. O’Brien and Ms. P. Stapleton.

Green Schools Action Plan

Biodiversity Flag Visit

Jan 23
First Year Parent Teacher Meeting
Feb 03
Bank Holiday
Feb 05
Mock Exams
Feb 10
TY Work Experience
Mitchel St, Thurles, Co-Tipperary, E41DF34
© 2025 Presentation Secondary School Thurles