Presentation Secondary School Thurles Day School. Boarding facilities provided in association with the Presentation Sisters

Learning Support

Learning Support

Presentation Secondary School has a long history of Learning Support dating back to the appointment of its first remedial teacher in 1975. Today learning support is provided by a team of highly skilled and dedicated teachers overseen, by the Learning Support Team which meets on a weekly basis.

Using the most up-to-date standardised ability tests and psychological tests of achievement together with professional reports and information from feeder primary schools, the school works closely with students, parents and subject teachers to ensure that appropriate support is provided to students throughout their years in school. Students are supported through various models including co-operative teaching, small group tuition, one-to-one tuition and the timetabling of alternative subjects for students with Irish and language exemptions.

Appropriate standardised tests are administered to students eligible for Irish Exemptions, students eligible for reasonable accommodation in State Examinations (RACE) and students seeking disability access to third level institutions (DARE).

The school’s Learning Support Co-ordinator works closely with relevant statutory and non-statutory agencies that support students with Special Educational Needs, including the National Educational Psychological Services (NEPS) and the National Council for Special Education (NCSE).

Dún Chaoin

In 2015 the school was delighted to open a Special Designated Class for students with Special Educational Needs. The Class “Dún Chaoin” affords students the benefits of a Special Class Curriculum, while at the same time providing appropriate supports to access some mainstream classes.

Students of “Dún Chaoin” participate in the Level 1 and Level 2 Learning Programmes. These are broad based programmes which are designed to equip students with the life skills necessary for independent living and for moving forward to further education and/or training.

Dún Chaoin has brought enormous benefits to the whole school community further enhancing the school’s inclusive ethos in an environment that reflects the wider community. In supporting the students enrolled in Dún Chaoin, the school works with various organisations and statutory and non-statutory agencies that provide support to young people with Special Educational Needs.

Feb 05
Mock Exams
Feb 10
TY Work Experience
Feb 17
Mid Term Break
Feb 24
School Closed
Mitchel St, Thurles, Co-Tipperary, E41DF34
© 2025 Presentation Secondary School Thurles