Presentation Secondary School Thurles Day School. Boarding facilities provided in association with the Presentation Sisters

TY October Activities!


Our school production of Frozen Jr:

In October our school performed Frozen Jr. for the public. We were the first school in Ireland to ever perform this show. All TYs were involved both onstage and offstage. This took much dedication from all our students and teachers. It was a big success for our school, and we received lots of support from the community and public.

Ty Law-Ed Course:

TY students received a course in Law-Ed, they learned about the difference between criminal and civil law. They discussed different topical cases that have occurred.

The girls really enjoyed this, and they learned so much.

First year Halloween day:

The TY PR team organised a Halloween game day for all our first years. The first years dressed up in historical and creative costumes. There were so many games to enjoy in the hall, there was many winners throughout the day, and they received prizes.

The Perfect Immigrant:

On the last day before midterm, TY’s visited the Source Arts Centre to watch a poetic performance, which tells the story of the perfect immigrant. They learned the story of the character and what the experience of an immigration is like. It was much enjoyed by all.

Feb 05
Mock Exams
Feb 10
TY Work Experience
Feb 17
Mid Term Break
Feb 24
School Closed
Mitchel St, Thurles, Co-Tipperary, E41DF34
© 2025 Presentation Secondary School Thurles